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Mindfulness Meditation Class

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Mindfulness Meditation Class

Classes are led by teachers from the Insight Meditation Community of Washington (IMCW) and include a 30-minute guided meditation, a teaching segment that focuses on a practice or topic, and time for sharing and discussion. Every third Sunday, the class is peer led by a volunteer member of the community. Newcomers to meditation and longtime practitioners are welcome to attend. Chairs are provided or you may bring your own cushion.In this tradition, the teachings are considered so precious as to be priceless. Thus they are given freely, with the opportunity to offer voluntary donations, or dana to support the teacher and class expenses. A donation (dana) of $10-15 is suggested for IMCW classes.

 For more information visit → Calendar → Classes.

Earlier Event: August 5
Wisdom Circle
Later Event: August 6
Mindful Monday Yoga