A Bridge of Stories - Author Talk with Kristin Pedemonti
In 2005, Kristin sold her home and most of her possessions to create/facilitate a volunteer literacy project and program in Belize, Central America. She donated programs for 33,000 students and trained 800 teachers in the art of storytelling, how to use story in their schools as well as how to teach a creative writing exercise using their own indigenous legends.
"A Bridge of Story: Risking it All to Connect Classrooms and Cultures in Belize," released by Parkhurst Brothers Publishers features the journey through project creation and facilitation as well as a step by step detailed guideline of the creative writing program, explanation of the legends shared and a collection of stories written by Belizean students and teachers who attended the workshops and seminars.
Intended for educators, librarians, storytellers, and anyone with an interest in creating their own volunteer project or wishes to replicate this particular creative writing program.
The book also serves as a teacher training resource and Kristin is available to present staff development workshops.
Kristin Pedemonti is an award winning Cause-Focused Storyteller who currently works as a Storytelling Consultant at the World Bank in Washington DC. She performs and presents worldwide and was the 1st American accepted into the Kanoon International Storytelling Festival in Iran.