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Pariahs Anthology Book Event

Pariahs Anthology Book Event

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Hear from 4 authors featured in the anthology:
Sarah Rafael García
Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes
Majda Gama
Raquel Gutiérrez

The pariahs writing from outside the margins anthology shares experiences of exclusion from the writing industry based on gender, race, and stereotypes. By offering counter narratives as part of the theme “pariahs,” the writing collection and linocut prints collaboration poses as an alternative method of exposing biases in literature and exclusionary practices by academics and literae alike. The "pariah" writers redefine the literary margins and stretch past conformity and exclusivity. By including poetry, essays, prose, and diverse languages coupled with printed art, pariahs celebrates writers far beyond the common pages.

Praise for Pariahs:

“At a time of obscene economic inequality, of unspeakable violence against Black and brown and poor people the world over, when fascism and xenophobia have become common in our nation’s public discourse, the Pariah writers are writing resistance. Their poems, stories, and testimonies are the true narrative, stories too long exiled from American literature that nonetheless speak for the majority: people of color, women, LGBT folks, poor and working-class people, leftists and agitators. Too long we’ve been called ‘writers from the margins.’ No more. With this urgent and timely anthology, the Pariahs welcome each other to the center of American literature. And they welcome you, the reader, to join them.”
—Sarah Browning, Co-Founder & Executive Director of
Split This Rock and Author of Whiskey in the Garden of Eden

Sarah Rafael García is a writer, community educator and traveler. Since publishing Las Niñas, she founded Barrio Writers and obtained a M.F.A. in Creative Writing. She writes poetry, creative non-fiction and fiction. Her writing has appeared in LATINO Magazine, Contrapuntos III, Outrage: A Protest Anthology For Injustice in a Post 9/11 World, La Tolteca Zine, Lumen Magazine, among others.

Heidi Andrea Restrepo Rhodes is a queer, mixed-race, second-generation Colombian immi- grant, writer, scholar, and activist. Currently the Outreach Representative for Queer and Trans* incarcerated poets for Nepantla. She is committed to creative work as a practice of social docu- mentation, historical memory and as a tool for liberation. Her poetry is featured in various pub- lications including Kudzu House Review, As/Us, Yellow Medicine Review, and others. Her chapbook, 'The Inheritance of Haunting' will be published by Raspa Magazine in 2016. 

Majda Gama is a Saudi-American poet based in the Washington DC area where she has roots as an anti-war activist and DJ. She lives between DC, Dubai and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. Her poems have been published in Beloit Poetry Journal, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, The Fairy Tale Review, Gargoyle, Hunger Mountain, Jahanamiya, and War, Literature & the Arts. Majda has permanent culture shock. 

Raquel Gutiérrez has long been a writer and live performer. She is a film actor, curator, pub- lisher, playwright, arts administrator, and community organizer. She writes about art, culture, music, film, performance and community building and creates original solo and ensemble perfor- mance compositions. Gutiérrez earned her MA in Performance Studies from New York Univer- sity in 2004. Her work is published in a range of publications including Artbound, GLQ, Raspa Magazine, Ambientes: New Queer Latino Writing, Huizache, among others.